Download Full Le jeune Ahmed Watch Here Online Free amazon directors Luc Dardenne

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1952 Vote

actors – Myriem Akheddiou

Release Year – 2019

Summary – A Belgian teenager hatches a plot to kill his teacher after embracing an extremist interpretation of the Quran

countries – Belgium

: toujours élégant et masculin. Mais pour le reste. Que de viande.
C’est un festival ou un défilé de mode? c’est devenu vraiment tout sauf du cinéma…
Pour arriver a ma maison, j’ai presque autant de marches, je préfère nettement, c’est plus gratifiant.

Pfffff, toutes ces paillettes et ce pognon à profusion, ces gens Favorisés, alors que les gilets jaunes sont laissés pour compte.
Tous les autres font figure de clanpins, à côté d’Alain Delon, Superbe et Magistral ❤️.


Montage approximatif. des temps. du Phoenix avec le tt venant ! 😨.
Bravo !🌹.


RUSSIA 💋🤗❤🌸🌺🌹💋🤗💓❤🌸🌺.
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Le narcissisme dans toute sa parfait de notre époque où le nombrilisme se marie à la médiocrité… Affligeant.
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영원한 나의 레전드 스타 ☆☆☆ 당신과 함께여서 내 젊은날 행복했습니다.
Bel homme. coeur.
When “Young Ahmed” begins, Ahmed has already been radicalized by a local Imam in Belgium. The film does not deal with what drove him to be radicalized (although as the story unfolds it becomes clear) but rather, it tries to determine if young people, once radicalized, can be conditioned and trained to release their hatred and learn that it is better to talk to those with opposing views, and that violence is not necessary.
I found the film to be very interesting in this discussion of what is going on all over Europe. I found it disturbing that after all the positive things that people had done for him, and his meeting a young woman who was interested in him, that Ahmed could not make a real connection to others. All he wants to do is kill his teacher who he says has defiled the teachings of the Quran.
While I applaud the work of the Dardenne brothers here, I think that it may have been more interesting to have had the perspective of a director such as Asghar Farhadi to make it more authentic.
An excellent film. 8 out of 10.

Bravo une grande carrière Alain, une idole dans le cinéma ! Chacun pense comme il l’entend mais être un si bon acteur, certain peuvent se le permettre pas tout le monde. Il le dit lui même, grâce a nous si il en est là merci à vous Monsieur Alain Delon de nous faire a chaque fois passer un bon moment ☺️. Anouchka file le même chemin 🙏👍.
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